Professor of Art Education in the Specialty of Art and Official Visitors Guide.
He was born on February 13, 1986 in the warm city of Ica, where he earned a great motivation and inspiration for art during his childhood and high school, where he excelled in many artistic interests.
Motivated by this, we perform studies in ESFAP. \"Sérvulo Gutierrez\" in the same city, in an effort to show children and teenagers the beauty of artistic expression.
It covered different expressive areas such as music learning to play the guitar and violin; Peruvian Dance and Theatre also part of his repertoire in learning, showing the infinite feelings in different departmental and national events.
Successfully completed his college won first place and a gold medal in 2006.
It developed in the field of pedagogy. Then as part of the evolution in his life is dedicated to tourism as an official guide.
The relentless dedication to artistic production, resulted in his first solo painting exhibition titled \"Seduction of Time\" in 2011 and promises to be the only or last, while life regale more opportunities in inspiration.
Culmina satisfactoriamente sus estudios superiores obteniendo el primer lugar y medalla de oro en el año 2006.
Se desarrollo en el campo de la pedagogía. Luego como parte de la evolución en su vida, se dedica al Turismo como Guía oficial.
La incesante dedicación a la producción artística, trajo como resultado su primera exposición pictórica individual titulada: ?Seducción del Tiempo? en el año 2011 y promete no ser la única, ni última, mientras la vida le regale más oportunidades en inspiración.